Monday, November 16, 2009

Baia Degli Angeli_The Bay of Angels

In 1974, the Bay of Angels in Gabicce Mare was the first local trendy Italian place you could dance music mixed up at six in the morning. At the console of the Bay there were two New Yorkers American residents DJ Bob Day and Tom Sison aka Bob & Tom suggesting that mainly import of musical genres ranging from disco and Philadelphia, he soon aroused much attention from the public so the Bay quickly became the most local Italian trend of the time, crowded with Italian and foreign VIPs.
But the best time of the Bay began in 1977 when Bob & Tom left the console with two Italian DJs as good, Daniele Baldelli and Mozart, who on that occasion also changed genre, then ran from Philadelphia and the Funky Disco, Disco and Soul, New Wave, Progressive Rock.

The public interest in these two new DJs was consolidated when Baldelli and Mozart starts to perform in other spaces especially in the North-Italy, offering entirely new musical genres in that a little later periodo.Da other DJs started playing kind of music and quickly began officially in Italy the rise of so-called music of contrast often called Afro afrofunky or music.
After the closure of the Bay in 1979, it was the turn of other mythical places open in various locations of the Italian center-north, between which we remember only the most famous: Cosmic (1979-1984), Chicago (1978-1987), Typhoon (1980 -1987), Melodj Mecca (1981).
Early '80s in Italian TV are starting to see the first broadcasts of music programs on which they attend as Discoring for the first time some interesting international pop star like Donna Summer, Kraftwerk, Telex. In this period we are also witnessing a proliferation of nightclubs in various parts of Italy.
In this scenario, some respectable seeing many guys haired hippie clothes to attend these, condemn without reason these clubs regarded as places of perdition and drug dealing, so some of these are closed in a short time and others close before you start. To counter this, we organize various sports halls and theaters of the tent city known as Afro gatherings involving thousands and thousands of people both from Italy and abroad.

Starting from 1981, in Italy comes a unique musical phenomenon in the world: the Cosmic, Chicago, Melodj Mecca, they dance music from Typhoon real "buzz" that ranges from funky, Disco, Soul, to Electronic, New Wave, Ethnic, Pshichedelica , Afro, Brasil, or the so-called AfroFunky music, a genre of counter-appreciated by many connoisseurs and lovers of music, which gathers thousands of young Italians, Austrians, Germans, a common passion that drives many young people to do even 500-600 kilometers by car to reach these clubs or gatherings musical semplcemente to dance, have fun and spend evenings that will forever remain legendary among the most beautiful memories of their lives. Just to cite some examples, the Woodstock DJ Summer 1985 (4500 persons), Woodstock DJ Summer 1986 (3500 persons), Woodstock DJ Summer 1987 (4500 persons). In fact, every night spent in those rooms or meetings becomes a myth and begins to spread among fans of the first cassette tape C60, C90, as happened for example that a tape as the Cosmic Typhoon, etc.. Attending these clubs and in particular afroraduni meant a lot to not only listen to good music out of sheer passion and music culture, but feel a sense of belonging to a real non-conformist movement that reminded a lot, both for the way they dress than for what we think and dance, the movement of the hippies of the 68, in this period it was possible to see a clear distinction between those who went out dancing in these nightclubs, some considered obscene and the limit of legality, and among those who went to dance clubs in so-called trade.

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